EHappiness with Jordan Payne from Acrylic Sticks

If you've been following for awhile, you probably already know about my collaboration with the brand Acrylic Sticks. Their founder, Jordan, reached out to me a few years ago about turning my art into some chic acrylic stir stick designs (available here). I have a couple pairs in my house and have gifted several to friend as well---they're so fun! I use them to stir up everything from at home lattes to happy hour cocktails. Since we've been working together for a few years now, I thought it would be fun to share more about the Acrylic Sticks founder Jordan Payne.
EHappiness with Jordan Payne, founder of Acrylic SticksTell us about yourself. Where are you from and how did you end up in the creative space? I’m from Texas and grew up in a small town north of Dallas. I have been designing since I can remember. Painting, designing my room, making clothes, it reared its head early as it does for so many creatives! I have been a luxury wedding planner & designer for 19 years around the country and this is actually how acrylic sticks came about. We had conceptualized them (after being so bored with stir sticks in general) for a collection of gift box designs we were working on for a client as well as a wedding clients cocktail hour shortly after that. We could not believe how over the top darling they were when we prototyped them and knew we had something special. Nothing had existing on the market like them and we knew we had to chase it. Seeing our brand grow like it has since our official launch in Jan. of 2019 has been truly overwhelming and we are so filled with gratitude. From our online customers, our custom clients and our hundreds of retailers, we are so thankful that they saw the uniqueness of our little cuties. We feel our product is special because of our designs. We find inspiration everywhere. That is what people truly love and hey, they have an important function too!
This series was inspired by what I call "EHappy moments:" the little things in our everyday worth celebrating like the feeling of clean sheets or a long walk in the sunshine. What are some of your favorite EHappy moments?
My top EHappy moments would have to be being in the word of the Bible on a daily basis. This keeps me grounded and helps me deal with difficult or stressful times. My hubby and two teenagers are definitely another EHappy moment as well as my 3 yorkie fur babies and lastly organic gardening.
I am an avid organic gardener and I LOVE playing in the dirt! Organic because I truly believe that change does not happen with lecturing from a platform, but instead change happens in & around each of our homes with education and taking little steps to use organic materials & methods. I became certified in organic gardening and pest management recently and the things I have learned are just WOW! So passionate about this!
Fill in the blank: start each day with a grateful heart and finish it with:
Grateful reflection with just how blessed we truly are (oh, and a cocktail with a cute stir stick of course)!
Your dream dinner party guests:
Jesus, Coco Chanel & Abe Lincoln
Last show you watched or book you read that you loved:
Ozark.. Really sad that one is over, lol!
Next adventure on your bucket list:
Traveling to Ireland for 2 weeks
Words to live by:
Be kind to everyone.
Keep up with Acrylic Sticks here: