February 02, 2023
EHappiness with Lauren Crawford

Shop Lauren's botanique wallpaper & personalized stationery pictured above!
EHappiness with Lauren Crawford
Tell us about yourself:
Where are you from and how did you end up in the creative space? I'm in my mid-30s, have two daughters who I adore (but often put me through the wringer) and currently live in Winter Park, FL. We moved from New Canaan, CT during the pandemic because my husband and I were over the commute and grind of working in New York City. I work in digital advertising and have my whole adult life. My blog and Instagram account are a fun side project that has grown surprisingly quickly over the last year. I enjoy the creative aspect of coming up with content ideas around what's happening organically in our lives - holidays and traditions, designing our renovated lake house, evolving my style as I get older and my passion for gifting and celebrations.
This series was inspired by what I call "EHappy moments:" the little things in our everyday worth celebrating like the feeling of clean sheets or a long walk in the sunshine. What are some of your favorite EHappy moments?
I want to do a whole blog post on this! I have a serious point of view on what I call 'small luxuries.' I prefer to not buy a lot of things, but I like buying really special items that will bring me joy everyday. A few examples of that include really nice dish soap and hand soap by our kitchen sink, a wonderful smelling, non-toxic candle to make our house smell inviting, a high end perfume that lingers all day and even the girls toys - I don't buy many, but when I do, I opt for the nicer wooden sets or well made dolls.
Fill in the blank: start each day with a grateful heart and finish it with: __________
A glass of champagne!
Your dream dinner party guests:
Oprah, Princess Kate, Martha Stewart, JK Rowling, Julia Roberts
Last show you watched or book you read that you loved:
I can re-read the Harry Potter books at least once a year and they always bring me joy and I love re-reading the Marie Kondo books; I don't watch a lot of TV but did like the show Inventing Anna. I watch a lot of kids shows right now!
Three favorite social media follows:
@sarahgtucker, @margaretofyork, @sweetcarolinedesigns
Next adventure on your bucket list:
We are going to Hawaii for Spring break this year!
Words to live by:
“I only drink champagne on two occasions, when I am in love and when I am not.” –Coco Chanel (can you tell I like champagne?)
Keep up with Lauren: