September 27, 2022
EHappiness with Mary Sanford Shepherd

Pictured: an EH flower mini
EHappiness with Mary Sanford Shepherd
Tell us about yourself. Where are you from and how did you end up in the creative space?
- I’m a southern girl rooted in my Memphis, TN upbringing. I studied fashion media and business at Southern Methodist University in Dallas, TX, and while there, started my fashion blog, Sanford Standard, the spring of my sophomore year. After graduating in 2017, I was a personal wardrobe stylist for a Dallas startup. I married my husband, Henry, in May of 2021 and moved to the Chicago area so that he could attend business school at Kellogg. Throughout all of the change over the last few years, Sanford Standard has been a consistent part of my self expression and weekly routine. As a bonus of this journey, I’ve gotten to collaborate with fabulous brands and individuals that make this industry so exciting.
This series was inspired by what I call "EHappy moments:" the little things in our everyday worth celebrating like the feeling of clean sheets or a long walk in the sunshine. What are some of your favorite EHappy moments?
- Most recently walking through the tree lined streets of Madrid on the sunniest day and sitting on the front lawn of the ranch watching the Texas sky. Although opposites, I can enjoy the beauty of both.
Fill in the blank: start each day with a grateful heart and finish it with a:
- A homemade meal, margarita and a Bravo show
Your dream dinner party guests:
- Honestly, if I could relive our rehearsal dinner, I would. It was such a special time in my hometown with all of my favorite people — new and old friends, my family and new family. We had the most beautiful evening on the rooftop of The Peabody Hotel and the perfect May weather.
Last show you watched or book you read that you loved:
- I just finished Ugly Love, and while it was a little more graphic than expected, it had a very sweet ending.
Next adventure on your bucket list:
- Dying to go to Italy! The food, beautiful architecture, the fashion… it’s calling my name.
Words to live by:
- Kindness
- Gratitude
- Generosity
- Respect
- Love
Keep up with Mary Sanford: