Seashells and Flowers Series

Seashells in Naples, FL


Sea Island, GA circa 1996ish



For my new collection of original works titled "Seashell and Flowers," I drew inspiration from summers spent collecting shells and biking along flower adorned paths at the beach. My grandparents used to live in a house just a few blocks away from the beach and I was lucky to spend a lot of time visiting them there growing up. The different shapes, sizes, and prints of seashells always captivated me. Finding sand dollars, conch shells, and any new to me shells always felt like magic and I could walk up and down the beach for an entire afternoon searching. I still remember the first time I ever saw a starfish. In addition to shell hunting, we also spent a lot of time biking along the sidewalk in front of their house. Every May, hydrangeas and other flowers would bloom over the paths. So, as I started painting this seashell series, I instinctively juxtaposed them with floral elements to evoke these memories of summer. 

The original works are mixed media collages with elements that come off the page a bit---as if the flowers are blooming off the page! Two of the works even include real seashells found on a recent visit to Florida. 

I hope the art brings your home a summer inspired sunshine for years to come.


available june 6th